Path: okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > SANYO Datasheet > SANYO-59

400-490 STK396-010 2SC4564 LC895925 LM7006 2SK3285 LA7533 CPH3101 DSB15T SBS005 2SJ594 SVC348 LC863264A LA9520V LC72130M STK6712BMK4 LC5734H 2SC4446 FC810 2SC3686 2SC3645 SB100-09K 2SC3782 LC863328A LA7375 LC36256AMLL-70 LB1258 2SC3595

SANYO Datasheets Catalog-59

Part NoManufacturerApplication
LC7935AN SANYOGeneral-purpose 32-bit shift register latch driver
2SK1454 SANYON-channel MOS silicon FET, very high-speed switching application
STK400-490 SANYO3-channel (50+25+25W), AF power amplifier (split power supply)
STK396-010 SANYOElectromagnetic focus output 1-channel amplifier
2SC4564 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor, high-definition CTR display video output application
LC895925 SANYOSignal processing LSI for CD-R driver
LM7006 SANYODual PLL frequency synthesizer cirquit
2SK3285 SANYON-Channel Silicon MOSFET DC/DC Converter Applications
LA7533 SANYOIF signal processing (VIF+SIF) circuit for TV/VCR use
CPH3101 SANYODC/DC Converter Applications
DSB15T SANYODiffused junction type silicon diode, 1,5A power rectifier
SBS005 SANYO30V, 1A Rectifier
2SJ594 SANYOP-Channel Silicon MOSFET DC / DC Converter Applications
SVC348 SANYOAM Low Voltage Electronic Tuning Applications
LC863264A SANYO8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller
LA9520V SANYOAV Coupler Receiver
LC72130M SANYOAM/FM PLL frequency synthesizer
STK6712BMK4 SANYOUnipolar fixed-current chopper-type 4-phase stepping motor driver
LC5734H SANYOSingle-chip 4-bit microcomputer with LCD driver for low-voltage, low-power use
2SC4446 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor, low-frequency
FC810 SANYOSilicon barrier diode, 15V/700mA rectifier
2SC3686 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, very high-definition CTR display horizontal deflection output
2SC3645 SANYONPN transistors for high-voltage switching, predriver applications
SB100-09K SANYOSchottky barrier diode, 90V/10A rectifier
2SC3782 SANYONPN transistor for ultrahigh-definition CRT display video output applications
LC863328A SANYO8-bit single chip microcontroller, on-chip ROM=28K, on-chip RAM=512 bytes
LA7375 SANYORecording and playback amplifier for VHC video recorders
LC36256AMLL-70 SANYO256K (32768words x 8bit) SRAM
LB1258 SANYO7-unit, low-saturation driver
2SC3595 SANYONPN transistor for CRT display video output applications

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