Path: okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > SANYO Datasheet > SANYO-24

011 LC32464M-80 LC89515K 2SC3143 LC65102A LA5693M LC35V256ET FSS134 LB3500 2SB926 LC3564SS-70 2SK242 TND025MP FX401 2SC3986 LA1061M LC35256AT-70 2SK1423 LC72191JM SVD302 LC863240A LC864508A SB005-09CPA FP208 LA6515 2SD1196 2SC4124 LA6358N

SANYO Datasheets Catalog-24

Part NoManufacturerApplication
LC89060 SANYO6-bit video D/A converter
LB11823M SANYODirect PWM Drive Brushless Motor Predriver for OA Products
DM4011 SANYOLCD matrix display module (40 characters x 1 line)
LC32464M-80 SANYO256K (65536 words x 4 bit) DRAM fast page mode
LC89515K SANYOCD-ROM/CD-I error correction/ host interface LSI
2SC3143 SANYONPN transistors for high-voltage switching, AF power amp, 100W output predriver applications
LC65102A SANYO4-bit single-chip microprocessor
LA5693M SANYOVoltage regulator driver with watchdog timer
LC35V256ET SANYO256K (32K words x 8 bits) SRAM Control pins NOT OE and NOT CE
FSS134 SANYOP-Channel Silicon MOSFET DC/DC Converter Applications
LB3500 SANYO1/8 prescaler for PLL electronic tuning
2SB926 SANYOPNP epitaxial planar silicon transistor, large-current switching application
LC3564SS-70 SANYO64 K (8192 words x 8 bit) SRAM
2SK242 SANYON-channel junction silicon FET, high-frequency general-purpose amp application
TND025MP SANYOLamp-, solenoid-, and motor-driving Applications
FX401 SANYOPNP epitaxial silicon transistor + schottky barrier diode, DC-DC converter
2SC3986 SANYONPN transistor for driver applications
LA1061M SANYOAntenna switching controller
LC35256AT-70 SANYO256 K (32768 words x 8 bit) SRAM with OE and CE pins
2SK1423 SANYON-channel MOS silicon FET, very high-speed switching application
LC72191JM SANYOPLL frequency synthesizer for electronic tuning in car stereo tuners
SVD302 SANYOHyperabrupt junction type GaAs varactor diode, X band VCO, PLO
LC863240A SANYO8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller
LC864508A SANYO8-bit single chip microcontroller
SB005-09CPA SANYOShottky barrier diode, 90V/50mA rectifier
FP208 SANYOPNP epitaxial planar silicon composite transistor, driver application
LA6515 SANYOPower operational amplifier (0,5 A)
2SD1196 SANYONPN planar silicon darlington transistor, driver application
2SC4124 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, very high-definition color display horizontal deflection output application
LA6358N SANYOHigh-performance dual operational amplifier

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