Path: OKDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Ricoh Datasheet > R3112Q26C-TR
R3112Q26C-TR manual: Low voltage detector with output delay. Output voltage 2.6V. Output type CMOS. Standard taping type TR.
Path: OKDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Ricoh Datasheet > R3112Q26C-TR
R3112Q26C-TR manual: Low voltage detector with output delay. Output voltage 2.6V. Output type CMOS. Standard taping type TR.
Manufacturer : Ricoh
Packing : SC-82AB
Pins : 4
Temperature : Min -40 °C | Max 85 °C
Size : 293 KB
Application : Low voltage detector with output delay. Output voltage 2.6V. Output type CMOS. Standard taping type TR.