Path: OKDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Mitel Datasheet > PDSP16116A
PDSP16116A manual: 0.5-7.0V; 18mA; 16 x 16bit complex multiplier. For fast fourier transform, digital filtering, radar and sonar processing
Path: OKDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Mitel Datasheet > PDSP16116A
PDSP16116A manual: 0.5-7.0V; 18mA; 16 x 16bit complex multiplier. For fast fourier transform, digital filtering, radar and sonar processing
Manufacturer : Mitel
Packing : PGA
Pins : 144
Temperature : Min 0 °C | Max 0 °C
Size : 117 KB
Application : 0.5-7.0V; 18mA; 16 x 16bit complex multiplier. For fast fourier transform, digital filtering, radar and sonar processing