Path: OKDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Intel Datasheet > MR87C51FC-1
MR87C51FC-1 manual: CHMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 32 Kbytes user programmable EPROM. 3.5 MHz to 16 MHz, Vcc = 5V
Path: OKDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Intel Datasheet > MR87C51FC-1
MR87C51FC-1 manual: CHMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 32 Kbytes user programmable EPROM. 3.5 MHz to 16 MHz, Vcc = 5V
Manufacturer : Intel
Packing : LCC
Pins : 44
Temperature : Min -55 °C | Max 125 °C
Size : 282 KB
Application : CHMOS single-chip 8-bit microcontroller with 32 Kbytes user programmable EPROM. 3.5 MHz to 16 MHz, Vcc = 5V