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LST2925-S4-B-FP DRR1-2321 INA-51063-TR1 HLMP-1719 HFBR-5104 HLMP-J100 LST2827-B-SF HSMY-C650 ATF-25735 HLMP-DL08 HFBR-1115T HLMP-UH28 IAM-91563-BLK HDSP-N156 XMT5160B-155-FP 5962-8767902PC LST2527-S4-B-SC HCPL-5500#200 LST2925-B-SC LST2825-T-FP HDSP-5603 HSMA-T525 LSC3100-SF XMT5

HP Datasheets Catalog-7

Part NoManufacturerApplication
5082-2303 HPSchottky barrier diodes for general purpose applications, 20V
HBCC-1570 HPOptical reflective sensor
LST2925-S4-B-FP HPCoaxial pigtailed laser module
DRR1-2321 HPDigital radio receiver down modul for 21.2 to 23.6 GHz
INA-51063-TR1 HP2.5GHz low noise silicon MMIC amplifier
HLMP-1719 HPT-1 3/4(5mm),T-1(3mm), low current LED lamp
HFBR-5104 HPFDDI, 100Mbpc ATM, and fast ethernet transceiver in low cost 1x9 package style
HLMP-J100 HPT-1(3mm) high performanse TS AlGaAs red LED lamp
LST2827-B-SF HPCoaxial pigtailed laser module
HSMY-C650 HPSurface mount chip LED
ATF-25735 HP0.5-10GHz general purpose gallium arsenide FET
HLMP-DL08 HP5mm precision optical performance AlInGaP LED lamp
HFBR-1115T HPFiber optic transmitter
HLMP-UH28 HP5mm precision optical performance AlInGaP LED lamp
IAM-91563-BLK HP0.8-6 GHz 3V downconverter
HDSP-N156 HP20mm (0.8inch) seven segment display
XMT5160B-155-FP HP155Mb/s logic interface laser transmitter for OC3,STM1
5962-8767902PC HPHermetically sealed, transistor output optocoupler for analog and digital applications
LST2527-S4-B-SC HPCoaxial pigtailed laser module
HCPL-5500#200 HPHermetically sealed, transistor output optocoupler for analog and digital applications
LST2925-B-SC HPCoaxial pigtailed laser module
LST2825-T-FP HPCoaxial pigtailed laser module
HDSP-5603 HPGreen LED segment display
HSMA-T525 HPSurface mount high performance AlInGaP LED indicator
LSC3100-SF HP14 pin DIL uncooled laser
XMT5360A-155-SC HP155Mb/s logic interface laser transmitter for OC3,STM1
HFBR-1402C HPLow cost, miniature fiber optic component with ST, SMA, SC and FC ports
HLMP-8102 HP5mm high performance TS ALGaAs red LED lamp
MSA-0286-TR1 HPCascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier
INA-02184-BLK HPLow noise, cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier

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