Path: okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > HP Datasheet > HP-23
501 XMT5360A-155-ST RGR1551-SC HDSP-6652TXVB 4N45#300 HSMJ-T625 HPMX-2003-T10 MSA-0600-GP4 HLMP-UJ29 5962-8767904FC HLMP-6208 MSA-0711-TR1 MSA-0170 PDT1446-DI-BI AT-30533-TR1 PDT1442-AS-DN MGA-82563-TR1 LST2525-B-ST 4N55/883B#200 PDT0312-FC-A HDMP-1536 HPDL-2416 HCPL-5400#100 HSM
Part No | Manufacturer | Application |
ATF-10136-STR | HP | 0.5-12GHz low noise gallium arsenide FET |
HDSP-5501 | HP | LED segment display |
XMT5360A-155-ST | HP | 155Mb/s logic interface laser transmitter for OC3,STM1 |
RGR1551-SC | HP | Fiber optic "light to logic" receiver with clock recovery |
HDSP-6652TXVB | HP | Four character 5mm hemetic 5x7 alphanumeric display for avionic applications, high efficiency red |
4N45#300 | HP | High gain darlington output optocoupler |
HSMJ-T625 | HP | Surface mount high performance AlInGaP LED indicator |
HPMX-2003-T10 | HP | Silicon bipolar RFIC 100 MGz vector modulator |
MSA-0600-GP4 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
HLMP-UJ29 | HP | 5mm precision optical performance AlInGaP LED lamp |
5962-8767904FC | HP | Hermetically sealed, transistor output optocoupler for analog and digital applications |
HLMP-6208 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
MSA-0711-TR1 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
MSA-0170 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
PDT1446-DI-BI | HP | Pigtailed PIN photodiode |
AT-30533-TR1 | HP | Low current, high performance NPN silicon bipolar transistor |
PDT1442-AS-DN | HP | Pigtailed PIN photodiode |
MGA-82563-TR1 | HP | 0.1-6GHz 3V, 17dBm amplifier |
LST2525-B-ST | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
4N55/883B#200 | HP | Hermetically sealed, transistor output optocoupler for analog and digital applications |
PDT0312-FC-A | HP | Connectorized PIN photodiode |
HDMP-1536 | HP | Fibre channel transceiver chip |
HPDL-2416 | HP | Four character smart alphanumeric display |
HCPL-5400#100 | HP | Hermetically sealed, very high speed, logic gate optocoupler |
HSMS-T600 | HP | Surface mount LED indicator |
HCPL-5530#200 | HP | Hermetically sealed, transistor output optocoupler for analog and digital applications |
HCPL-2731 | HP | Low input current, high gain optocoupler, dual channel |
HCPL-2601#300 | HP | High CMR, high speed TTL compatible optocoupler |
MSA-0885 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
HMMC-5620DC | HP | 6-20GHz high-gain amplifier |