Path: okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > NEC Datasheet > NEC-162

SK2981-T1 PS2566-2 PS8701-F3 UPC29L33J EP2F-B3L1ST RD16ESAB UPD17147GT(A1)-XX-T2 RD7.5ESAB 2SK2366 2SC5004-T1 UPD78366AGF-XX-3B9 UPD17072GB-XX-1A7 UPC8179TB-E3 UB2-12SNU-R UPD75036GC-XX-AB8 RD16ESAB3 UPD75P218KB PS2561L1-1-V PS7200B-1A-F3 2SC4093-T1 2SK1959-T2 RD2.4ES-T1 MC-4532D

NEC Datasheets Catalog-162

Part NoManufacturerApplication
MC-4532DA727PF-A75 NEC256M-byte(32M-word x 72-bit) SDRAM DIMM
2SK2981-T1 NECPower MOSFET
PS2566-2 NECAC-input Darlington-output multi-photocoupler
PS8701-F3 NECHigh CMR analog output type 5-pin SOP high-speed photocoupler
UPC29L33J NECLow saturation three-terminal positive output voltage stabilization power supply
EP2F-B3L1ST NECDC Motor Control(Lock current 25A max.)
RD16ESAB NEC0.4W DHD zener diode, 16V
UPD17147GT(A1)-XX-T2 NEC4-bit single-chip microcontroller
RD7.5ESAB NEC0.4W DHD zener diode, 7.5V
2SK2366 NECN-channel enhancement type DMOS
2SC5004-T1 NECNPN epitaxial-type silicon transistor
UPD78366AGF-XX-3B9 NEC16/8-bit SC microcomputer with on-chip ROM(32K)&RAM(2K)
UPD17072GB-XX-1A7 NEC17K series portable DTS controller
UPC8179TB-E3 NECLow-power silicon high-frequency amplifier ICs for cellular/cordless phones
UB2-12SNU-R NECOpen and shut a circuit for small signal
UPD75036GC-XX-AB8 NEC4-bit single-chip microcomputer incorporating A/D converter
RD16ESAB3 NEC0.4W DHD zener diode, 16V
UPD75P218KB NECOTP version 4-bit single-chip microcomputer
PS2561L1-1-V NECPhoto coupler
PS7200B-1A-F3 NECOptical semiconductor relay for high frequency signal control
2SC4093-T1 NECFor amplify high frequency and low noise.
2SK1959-T2 NECN Channel enhancement MOS FET
RD2.4ES-T1 NEC400mW Zener diode
MC-4532DA726EF-A80 NEC256M-byte(32M-word x 72-bit) SDRAM DIMM
UPA1755G-E2 NECNch enhancement type power MOS FET(Dual type)
UPC1933GR NECDC/DC converter
UB2-12NU NECOpen and shut a circuit for small signal
RD15EB NEC0.5W DHD zener diode, 15V
RD24FMB NEC1W zener diode, 24V
2SK3325 NECPower MOS FET

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