Path: okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Fairchild Datasheet > Fairchild-152
Q245QSCX CD4015BCM MV6352 KSD1222 KSB795 NM27C010T150 KA741I NC7S02CW P6KE24CA FQI12P10 74F109SJ 74LVT2244SJ 74LVX08MSCX FDS3680 FDC6302P DM74LS74AM FMS3110 NDS9955 ISL9V3040S3S FQPF1P50 74VHC02SJX FAN8725 74F534SJ FQU9N08L ISL9K460P3 BDX54C LM1458 74LVX240MTCX
Part No | Manufacturer | Application |
ILC5061M29 | Fairchild | Power Supply reset Monitor with 1% Precision |
GF1G | Fairchild | 1.0 Ampere Glass Passivated Rectifier |
74LVQ245QSCX | Fairchild | Low Voltage Octal Bidirectional Transceiver with 3-STATE Inputs/Outputs [Advanced] |
CD4015BCM | Fairchild | Dual 4-Bit Static Shift Register |
MV6352 | Fairchild | CLEAR LENS T-1 3/4 SOLID STATE LAMPS |
KSD1222 | Fairchild | NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor |
KSB795 | Fairchild | PNP Epitaxial Silicon Darlington Transistor |
NM27C010T150 | Fairchild | 1 Meg (128K x 8) High Perfomance CMOS EPROM |
KA741I | Fairchild | Single operational amplifier |
NC7S02CW | Fairchild | TinyLogic HS 2-Input NOR Gate |
P6KE24CA | Fairchild | 600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressors |
FQI12P10 | Fairchild | 100V P-Channel MOSFET |
74F109SJ | Fairchild | Dual JK# Positive Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop |
74LVT2244SJ | Fairchild | Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs |
74LVX08MSCX | Fairchild | Low Voltage Quad 2-Input AND Gate |
FDS3680 | Fairchild | 100V N-Channel PowerTrench ® MOSFET [Preliminary] |
FDC6302P | Fairchild | Digital FET, Dual P-Channel |
DM74LS74AM | Fairchild | Dual Positive-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop with Preset Clear and Complementrary Outputs |
FMS3110 | Fairchild | Triple Video D/A Converters 3 x 10 bit, 150 Ms/s |
NDS9955 | Fairchild | Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor |
ISL9V3040S3S | Fairchild | EcoSPARK TM 300mJ, 400V, N-Channel Ignition IGBT |
FQPF1P50 | Fairchild | 500V P-Channel MOSFET |
74VHC02SJX | Fairchild | Quad 2-Input NOR Gate |
FAN8725 | Fairchild | Spindle Motor and 5-Channel Motor Driver |
74F534SJ | Fairchild | Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs |
FQU9N08L | Fairchild | 80V LOGIC N-Channel MOSFET |
ISL9K460P3 | Fairchild | 4A,600V Stealth Dual Diode |
BDX54C | Fairchild | PNP transistor for power liner and switching applications, 100V, 8A |
LM1458 | Fairchild | Dual Operational Amplifier |
74LVX240MTCX | Fairchild | Low Voltage Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs |